Becca MacMahon

Energy Coach

  • “Working with Becca is life changing"

    Client Testimonal 2023



Have you been on the long and winding path of transformation? Are you a Therapist, Healer, Leader or Wayshower opening up your own gifts?

It’s time to let go of the struggle, right?

The universe is not a punishment and reward system. You don’t need to learn through discomfort. It’s time to move into a slipstream of ease, joy and delight

Begin living in a more expansive, conscious, present and fulfilled way

Standing in your power. Attuned to your inner wisdom. Knowing your inherent freedom. More confident in each decision

More skilled in energetic principles and able to help your own clients SHIFT rapidly into their own superpowers!

It’s time to be authentically you in all your glory


  • Open up to all that you are, expand into your highest potential. Find clarity. Create MORE of what you want! More love, more abundance, more freedom…learn about Consciousness and interact with life from a grander perspective. Book here

  • Prescriptive energy healing reatments and guided journeys to get you where you need to go! Book here

  • POWERFUL belief change process - to let go of limitations, shame and ideas of lack that are keeping you small. Book here

  • Themed offerings each month to help you keep expanding - check here for the latest groups

  • Online course designed to guide you from state of perceived limitation to recognising your power, worth and freedom. Love you life regardless of your circumstances and create more from this expansive state

Why work with me?

My entire life has been about expansion. Phenomenal change & rapid evolution. I’ve invested heavily in my learning. Accordingly I’ve mastered the key principles that ease this transition and super charge your growth

What took me a decade can take you a week because I’ve unlocked the frequency so I can pass it on to you

Because of this I’ve become known as the “spiritual jumpleads” since it’s my gift to help others shift into higher levels of consciousness

I offer effective, practical tools and easy to follow techniques Whatever the problem, we will find the solution by attaining a grander perspective

An intense path of transformation completely awoke my higher consciousness and I’m still constantly learning. I pride myself on it. As I tap into the inherent wisdom flowing through me it guides our work together and I help you access the same. We all have this ability. We sometimes simply need a guide to show us what’s possible

Client Testimonial

“Working with Becca has completely changed my life. She has helped me to raise my vibration, expand my spirituality to see the world and myself with new eyes. Our work together has brought contentment and joy and replaced fear and anxiety. Becca is the most amazing human being … and therapist! I cannot recommend her highly enough”.

Gill - Therapist

Client Testimonial

Becca has shown me how to escape the prisons I have found myself in for many years.
She has skillfully taken some hugely problematic issues for me, and found a way no other ‘therapist’ has to help me see myself differently”

Mark - Yoga Teacher & Men’s Group Leader


My transformation has been rapid, powerful and is ongoing. I am a living testimonial to my work and I continue to learn and expand constantly. After many years as a Cognitive Hypnotherapist & NLP coach, advanced studies in Yoga & Eastern healing modalities plus my own very intense awakening experiences I’ve become a kind of energetic doorway, a bridge to a higher (but not hierarchically better) version of reality

Clients report opening up to their gifts and abilities, significantly lifting in vibration and releasing life long ‘wounds’. There have been numerous tales of success, abundance, joy and magic! It is my joy to illuminate the path and help others navigate the challenges along the way using effective tools and practices with a sprinkle of my own unique energy


My clients are primarily Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Therapists, Healers, Teachers, Yoga Teachers & Coaches ready for the next level of personal expansion. They go on to share what they have learned to super charge their own Client sessions everyday and report incredible shifts in consciousness

People often contact me saying ‘I have no idea why I’m reaching out I just know I need to’. Trust this is your higher self, the omnipresent self guiding the way. I call it Divine orchestration!

If you’re reading this you’ve already experienced a period of transformation perhaps without realising. You’ve probably actually done the hard part. Now it’s time to learn how to EXPAND your energy and choose what’s next.


I support you in reaching the next level of your evolution. For each person it’s different but the principles are the same

RELATIONSHIPS - Navigate change within current relationships or call in new ones

RELATIONSHIP TO SELF - Cultivate deep self love, self worth and find your true freedom

PSYCHE - Begin to master the thinking mind, let go of blocks, harness the power of the subconscious mind

ABUNDANCE - Open up to the limitless flow of energy that’s waiting for you

ENERGY - Become more energetically attuned & vibrant. Learn to feel for energy in your body and open to it’s guidance

HEART - Become more heart led & open up to incredible joy

BUSINESS - Align to the person you want to become in business. Grow, release shame, challenge money beliefs, become more authentic, find your unique voice

SUPERCHARGE YOUR SESSIONS - Working with clients using these principles is life changing for you and them!

CONCIOUSNESS - Enhance your awareness of consciousness for a supercharged life

YOUR GIFTS & ABILITIES - Hone in on your life’s purpose & begin accessing your innate spiritual gifts. It’s time to bring them forth!

  • We're all just walking eachother home

    Ram Dass

Client Testimonial

“Working with Becca is life changing. You may not realise you’ve changed, until one day you do! Beccas work resonates on a Soul level. It is powerful yet subtle. It lands with an inner knowing”

Helen - Therapist, Meditation Guide & Designer

Client Testimonial

“If you’ve not worked with Becca or joined one of her beautiful group sessions I highly recommend that you do. She is truly amazing.”

Helen - Therapist, Meditation Guide & Designer


You already know the truth on some level

Almost every client I work with says “Thank you for confirming what I already knew deeply within myself but didn’t yet believe or trust”

You’re remembering who and what you truly are at an accelerated pace. Together we’re creating and stepping into a powerful opportunity to access higher levels of consciousness, wisdom and information through dimensions of reality that were formerly inaccessible

Life really can be beautiful every day. It’s a choice and it’s available without exception once you choose it. You can probably feel the truth in these words even if they blow your mind



Self Mastery Journey Foundation Level
One time

The 4 stage guide to RELIEF from over-thinking. reclaiming your personal power to choose for you & becoming more FREE. Create a reality that FEELS good. Learn why you think, feel and act the way you do. Smash limitations & start loving life ON PURPOSE. Go at your own pace, learn mindblowing information in bite size chunks. Reflect & practice when it suits you

✓ POWERFUL pre-recorded guidance, you set the pace
✓ LIFE CHANGING practical tools & techniques
✓ DIGESTIBLE INFO video, audio, text & bulletpoint summaries
✓ SUPPORT by email
✓ DISCOUNT bonus 50% off a 1:1 coaching session